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How to Make Ban-The-Box Changes

How to Make Ban-The-Box Changes

Currently 34 states, the District of Columbia, and almost 150 municipalities have implemented some form of Ban-the-Box legislation. Ban the Box regulations restrict employers from asking felony and criminal record-related questions on employment applications. As an employer, you are responsible for knowing if an applicant is a resident of a state or municipality where the questions are banned. 

By default, CDLSuite includes felony and criminal record-related questions on the hiring applications. The program, however, allows you to easily remove these questions on all applications, or just for applicants who reside in regulated areas. You have three options: Yes, No and Optional.

No: To keep felony and criminal record-related questions on the application for all applicants. Select “No” only if you are certain you will not receive applications from regulated states and municipalities. 

Yes: To remove felony and criminal record-related questions from the application for all applicants.

Conditional: To automatically add or remove felony and criminal record-related questions based on where the applicant resides.


Note: The list of regulated states and municipalities changes daily. CDLSuite makes no guarantees regarding its ability to detect all regulated areas.