Past Employer Verifications
CDLSuite makes it easier to conduct all your past employment inquiries conveniently from a single location. The Employment Verification interface allows you to choose which verifications you wish to conduct and then apply them to a Worklist for more efficient management and tracking. You'll stay organized and move effortlessly through applicants and past employers.
The main verification page lists all your applicants and lets you focus on each one to see their past employers. You can quickly select which past employers you wish to target and add them to a streamlined worklist. The worklist isolates each individual target employer and allows you to prioritize and manage individual verifications according to your unique processes. As you complete each verification you can hide it or simply mark it as "Complete". For each past employer you have access to the Inquiry to Past Employer (IPE) and the Drug/Alcohol Questionnaire (DAQ).
You have the option of managing your verifications in house at no additional cost or outsourcing your target verifications directly from the main page. CDLSuite offers seamless integration with a third-party provider to conduct employment verifications on behalf of interested users. There are minimal fees associated with outsourcing your verifications and you will be asked to agree to standard privacy guidelines. For outsourced verifications, inquiry fees are paid directly to the third-party provider. Additionally, CDLSuite offers unlimited inquiries as well as other background screening services for a $35 monthly integration fee.
To access the Employment Verification interface, click "Employment Verifications" from your home page.
To activate and/or order verifications from our third-party partner check off the desired inquiry (IPE and/or DAQ) and click submit.
To find out more about the Employment Verification interface or for a quick demonstration, please call Customer Service at 888-209-7427.