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The CDLSuite Next-Actions feature allows you track and share upcoming tasks and events related to a specific Lead, Applicant, or Hire. Next-Actions inform your entire team of important actions that are scheduled and when they are to occur. For Leads and Applicants, Next-Actions can be scheduled for up to 30 days in advance of the task or event. For Hires, Next-Actions can be scheduled for any future date, and email reminders can be set.

Next-Actions are displayed by date priority. Next-Actions displayed in red indicate that the scheduled date/time of the event has passed. As Next-Action events are completed click the “Clear” button to remove them from view. Next-Action will continue to be displayed until you “Clear” them. To view Next-Actions for all Leads/Applicants/Hires at the same time go to the Home Page and click “Show Next-Actions” near the bottom of the Profile.