How to Use the Next-Actions Feature
Next-Actions allow you track and share upcoming tasks and events related to a specific Lead, Applicant, or Hire. You can inform your entire team of important actions that are scheduled, and when they are to occur.
Using this feature is simple.
From your Profile Home Page, choose the "View Leads/Applicants/Hires" option. Click on the “Applicants” tab. To use the Next-Actions feature, choose the applicant you wish to address. Click on the three red bars on the right side of the applicant’s view. This will give you an expanded view of the applicant’s information, and show you the Next-Actions box.
Click on the "Add Next-Actions" button. You will be given a pop-up box to enter your information. Add a Description, for example “request additional references”. Select the Date that the action is to occur. Select the Time the action is to occur. "Save" your work.
Upon returning to your Profile Home Page, you will find the option to “Show Next Actions”. Choose this to expand the section and view all Next-Actions you have created.
Note: Next-Actions displayed in red indicate that the scheduled date/time of the event has passed.
Clear Next-Actions by checking the “CLR” box to the left of the applicant’s name, NOT by using the Delete option in the applicant's expanded view.